Sunday, June 1, 2008

The vampyre:- Part 7(10th July,2008)

These days the weather is quite uncertain...
The sky was dark the whole day...
It rained in the evening...
The air was so pure...
It stuffed my lungs with it to the fullest...
As I stood by the window, little drops trickled down my face,rinsing my body...I felt ecstatic...
You find very less such moments in life...

I lit a fire for myself...
It's a bit chilly in here...
I need to replace the chimney,it gives up a lot of smoke...

Till now no news of Maurice...
I feel solitary again...
I need to talk to someone...
Silence isolates people...

Some noise in the backyard led me there...
There was nobody...
Probably it was only the wind playing tricks...
But I found a few syringes and a mobile near a flower pot...
The soil seems to be recently dug...
It's again getting so confusing and murky...

Ana will be here tomorrow...
For dinner...
For me...
I must wait...and note down anything eventful helps my memory...


Fat Man Rambles said...

Well It's Going Pretty Well...
Though I Must Say This Again, Cut Down On The Ellipsis.
Well That's It...

Unknown said...

gr8ly buildin da suspense dude
very appropriate description f da surroundin n mind
capturin da mind in da rite wat now