Friday, September 12, 2008
The bad news is that the story has been removed...
The good news is that you're going meet him somewhere else!!!
Will update you about his whereabouts soon... :D
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The vampyre:- Part 10( 13th July,2008)
I must submit here the chronology of everything that happened to my friend…my mentor.
28th June
For the last few weeks, complaints of some people getting kidnapped and some being bitten by unseen pests were reported in the Rontec locality.
On 28th Sergeant busted the Vampire cult residing in the old castle. Those people were indulged in all sorts of inhuman activities. Blood slurping, sacrifices and all.
He had a great discussion with the cult leader, lasting some hours. We were unaware of the matter they discussed, but it was sure that the leader didn’t speak anything pleasant. Sergeant slapped him on the face before he left.
The whole night the man did not eat, neither he drank but kept smiling behind the bars. Occasionally injuring his lips and then trying to lick the oozing blood.
29th June
Thousands of bloodthirsty, menacing vampire bats were poisoned to save the town from any lurking danger of rabies or plague. As far as our records are concerned the remaining cult members were tracked down and were arrested.
They will be prosecuted for their barbaric acts.
30th June
The headquarters for his commitment and bravery rewarded Officer Blaine.
1st July
He was asked to carry on further investigation with me. The cult people were sent to the prison.
In between he was out of touch that led me to believe that he was on leave.
6th July
He sent in his resignation letter, which was not accepted. I was asked to check in and see if my partner is okay. I tried to contact after my duty hours were over, but in vain.
8th July
I tried to contact him early. He asked me to come over, but when I came, he was out with his doctor friend Maurice. I left back the note “I was here…” duly signed by me.
11th July
We got another complaint from a resident of Rontec locality, but this time of some foul odour, which she suspected to be of some dead animal. We had earlier reports that one pet dog was killed on 3rd July.
12th July
Sergeant called up. He reported a murder.
When we arrived, we found him in the lobby in an intoxicated state, with perhaps a drug overdose. He looked horribly pale. He was injured too. The shirt he wore was completely drenched in blood; we later found that it was Miss Nicholson’s. An ambulance was called for help.
In the evening, after a great search, we discovered the corpses of reporter Ana Nicholson in the castle and that of Dr. Maurice in the backyard. It’s sure that someone had tried to provide it a grave or may be he wanted the police to notice it with little effort.
We found the doctor’s mobile near a flowerpot with sergeant’s fingerprints on them and also we discovered many syringes, which were perhaps used for illegal drug intake.
The reports conclude that there was a high amount of heroin in officer Blaine’s blood.
And the forensic evidence suggests that the murderer is he.
He has not spoken since this morning.
We are unsure if his mental stability still exists or not.
I am unable to convince myself that why???
What led this hearty man to rely on drugs?
Why did he kill his closest friends?
There are no reasons.
13th July
Officer Blaine was declared mentally unfit and was stripped off his position. He may be charged with homicide and it is a possibility that he will be sent to an asylum.
I am not satisfied, and after visiting this place through his seized laptop, I am confident that what we see is not always the truth.
Firstly, there are no concrete reasons for the murders. Secondly, I am unable to get to the core of this case of ‘chits’. He has mentioned that he received chits, but we did not recover any, except the one, which he had clutched hard to his heart and is duly mentioned here by him. Thirdly, we had no news from the prison people if the cult leader was there or not. It’s only today evening that they have confirmed their arrival. And finally, all these days, my friend was on high drug dosage and in such a state the mind loses ability to think properly, so it is almost impossible that he cooked up this story and wrote it here.
Let’s see if I can get to the core of the things.
First I have to meet him. I have got an appointment for day after tomorrow.
I will try my best to make him speak, not to a cop but to a friend.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The vampyre:- Part 9 (12th July, 2008)

What was my sin??
What for I was made to pay such a huge price??
I did my duty…as a cop…as a human…
Nobody helped me…
Now, it doesn’t make any difference…
As I write this, I hold in my hand, the final note in red…
“You wronged us,
We ruined you…”
I discovered myself in the castle this morning…
There were rats all over me…
White rats who had turned red with my blood…
They were nibbling through my flesh…
Trying to acquire as much as they could with their petite mouths…
My body had gone numb…
I gathered full force and crushed one to death…
Others fled.
I was lying all alone in the castle; completely drenched is sweat and blood…
The creepy crawly sensation still persists…
I feel a hundred ants biting me at a time…
I feel them all over me…
Had I known the devilish intentions of those people, I would have never called up my friends for help…
Now, I repent.
As I tried to walk out of the castle, I spotted the same poor man, now in black…
He was stout…
I was not a dream…
He was smiling…a fiendish smile it was.
It was as if at once I got all my memory back…
It was like a flashback…
The memories of our 1st encounter…no, not on 7th July…but on 28th June…
He had warned me earlier… “Never let a vengeful enemy live!”
Now, he handed over the note to me and walked away triumphantly…
Just then I caught sight of a body…lying in a pool of blood…
He turned to me once again, now with a satanic smile…
A smile, which I would never forget…
Through his parted lips his canines shone like that of a carnivore…
“That’s a gift my friend!”, he laughed as he walked away...
I recognized the body…
It was Ana…
She laid motionless…
There was a lull…the silence of death…
Her corpse seemed to smile at me…
I had realized the loss…
Life had ended for me then and there…
I broke down hysterically…
There were no hallucinations…
It was all real…
The cult had taken its revenge…
It’s calm in here…
As if a storm has just passed…
There are two puncture marks on my throat…
The perforations are tiny, but it hurts…
I know not what is the cause of them…I don’t want to know either…
I have called the police…
I write this while I wait for them to arrive…
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The vampyre:- Part 8 (11th July,2008)
I must write today, else I won't be able to forgive myself...
If something happens to me tonight, this should be considered as my confession and my diary where every word written is as true as my own self, is as true as my soul...
I hold on my nerves as I write...
Although the sky was overcast, I would rate it a warm day...
I don't remember what happened last night...
What happens to me at nights??
I never seem to remember...
Had I been to the castle again??
That place is a mess...yet so attractive...
The day was eventless except two calls from Maverick...
They want me back on duty...
That's what he says...
In the evening Ana was here...
I jumped off my couch to attend the call bell...
She stood at the doorstep...
She looked awesome...
The blue beady eyes shone beneath the golden locks...
I couldnot take off my eyes from the red lips move as she spoke,"May I?"
I was continuosly wetting my lips(nervous as ever)...
I managed to say..."Come in!Come in!!"
She tossed back her yellow hair as she entered...
My legs frore.
And I spoke..."You look gorgeous...",stammered a bit..."or whatever it is called..."
She smiled a bit and said,"You will never change...sweet as ever".
I am such an embarrassing stuff!!
I will never forgive God for this trick of his.
We chatted for a while...
Had dinner.(no experimenting this time...It was from a restaurant...)
Life was beautiful.
Those moments I will never forget in a lifetime.
She wanted to use the restroom...
She went...
But never returned...
I feel as if I have risen from a deep slumber...
I got a note in my pocket...
It read:-
"Now it's time you lose all..."
The faint smell of perfume hung in the air, but where was she who used it...
It was no illusion...
It was no dream...
I am devastated...
First that man vanished from my house and now Ana...
I can't take it any more...
It all started with the cult case...the castle case...
There lies something which is still unknown...
I will go there tonight...
I wish it will all be over by tomorrow.
Christ bless me.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The vampyre:- Part 7(10th July,2008)
The sky was dark the whole day...
It rained in the evening...
The air was so pure...
It stuffed my lungs with it to the fullest...
As I stood by the window, little drops trickled down my face,rinsing my body...I felt ecstatic...
You find very less such moments in life...
I lit a fire for myself...
It's a bit chilly in here...
I need to replace the chimney,it gives up a lot of smoke...
Till now no news of Maurice...
I feel solitary again...
I need to talk to someone...
Silence isolates people...
Some noise in the backyard led me there...
There was nobody...
Probably it was only the wind playing tricks...
But I found a few syringes and a mobile near a flower pot...
The soil seems to be recently dug...
It's again getting so confusing and murky...
Ana will be here tomorrow...
For dinner...
For me...
I must wait...and note down anything eventful helps my memory...
Friday, May 23, 2008
The vampyre:- Part 6( 9th July,2008)
I know not why...but he was a bit upset...
May be I am the reason...
He didnot want me to ask Ana for dinner...
He knows my feelings...
But he knows my present state of mind too...
He hung up abruptly...
His words kept lingering in my mind throughout my attempts to sleep...
Skipped the evening meal...
I woke this afternoon...
My head is heavy...
I think my old nemesis migraine has struck back...
There was no hangover...but what led me to such a deep sleep,Ican't say...
Maurice didnot turn up...
Moody fellow...
Right now not receiving the call...
One thing I must mention is the dream...
Yes...last night, there was a dream...
I know it was a dream...but it was so real...
I saw the poor man again...
In the castle...
This time he looked more masculine...
There were others too...Maurice too...
I was in the centre...
I just felt suffocated...
I think I am being obsessed with the poor man's face...
Finally got another note...
This one read:-
"We pray for the deceased soul..."
Now, who has died?
And the greater question is...who are 'WE'??
I feel as if my head is about to burst...
I must get to the drugs immediately...
I must call him once again...
Hope he picks up this time...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The vampyre:- Part 5(8th July, 2008)
Maverick called up this morning...
He is my colleague...
Committed guy...
He was posted as my assist me in the 'cult' case...
He wanted to meet...
I invited him here...
Maurice came a bit late...around 11am in the morning...
The same old guy with the same old grin...the ever smiling face...
You can never scold him...
He is such a sweet rascal...
He enquired about Leonard...
I could not answer...I could not explain his absence in the house...
I didn't remember the incident till I visited this place...
Maurice was very fond of the animal...
I talked about the stranger in the night...but Maurice was not ready to listen...
He blamed everything on the gloomy environment I was in...
He asked me to walk out with me to the Kain's Bar...
The place which used to be our 'place' during the college days...the good old college days.
But when fortune shines a bit longer in my case...
Ana was there too...Ana Nicholson...
A thing of past which I would never like to forget.
The gazelle eyed damsel had attracted me for years...
There was an inherent charm on that face...the beautifully alive face...
Those tender pink lips...the...I think I am getting carried away...
I was spellbound for a moment...
I was gazing wide-eyed at her...
She saw us...both of us...
She just could not hold her emotions...
"Gracious!!", she mumbled.(Ah...that sweet warm voice!)
"Hey Ana! Come over...", shouted Maurice.
We had a great time together.
She was very much excited about the award I got from the headquarters.
I got to know that she was in town for a week...
I didnot lose the opportunity to invite her over dinner.
Maurice is a wizard...
I am feeling as if in seventh heaven...
When I got back, I got a note hanging on the door knob...
It read,
"I was
Now, who is Zack?!
For the past few days I have been receiving many notes...small chits of paper with messages in red...
I don't want to ponder over it right now...
I am more than happy.
Maurice will come tomorrow too...
I didn't go to the castle today...but the feel of excitement remains...
It was certainly a fine day...
Saturday, May 10, 2008
The vampyre:- Part 4(7th July,2008)
I did not go to work.
The frozen food has dismantled my digestive system again...
Perhaps I am not cooking it well...
One should not eat raw...
I am thinking to quit the job...
I am not well...
I have called Maurice for help...
He is a doctor...
He is a friend...
Last night I saw a man...
He was standing below the ever flickering street light in front of my house...
Fully covered with rags...
May be he was in distress...
Just before midnight I heard a knock...
I was alarmed...
It was he.
The poor chap...
I can never forget the unshaved face...the grey hair...and those two gleamy eyes...
He looked starved...severely malnutritioned...
He certainly looked older than his age...
His first and final words seem to be etched in my mind.
"I have nothing...Hungry...Need food..."
His english was not that good, but it certainly made sense...
One should communicate.
He was a stranger...
I am an introvert...
I didnot try to start a conversation...I just looked at him while he sat with the bottle of water...
He was occasionally passing a few glances.
His lips parted many a times but he didnot utter a word...
It was a mute conversation.
I remember giving him room...the half cooked beef...some wine...and finally showed him the sofa to sleep...
But where is he??
I could not find him this morning...
It seems as if he vanished into thin air...
There is no sign of his presence...
The doors were locked, windows closed as I left them yesterday night, nothing has been stolen...
Was I dreaming??
It can't be...
I am sure he was with me...
There is no disease until it is diagnosed!
I will wait for Maurice...
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The vampyre:- Part 3(4th July,2008)
It is stinking...
I am stinking too...
I don't remember if I had a bath today...
I had been to the castle again.
There was silence...
I am beginning to find peace there.
I am getting a sort of addiction to the place.
Need to work on my instincts...
Learnt that someone has also killed Zeb&^%$(I can never spell it right)...another dog in the neighbourhood.
Something wrong is surely happening.
It seems ominous.
People say the poor creature was bitten to death...i would was not beaten...but bitten!
Someone has just ripped apart its neck.
They found bite marks.
There was blood everywhere.
Personally I had never liked the animal but I had never expected such an end for him...
May be some wild animal is on the prowl...may be it is in the vicinity...
I need to investigate...
I am a cop...
I need to be cautious too.
Now, I must take a shower.
Monday, May 5, 2008
The vampyre:- Part-2(3rd July,2008)
I feel gloomy...depressed.
There is pain in my seems to be eternal.
Leonard had been with me for the last 4 years...
After Emily I had shared all my secrets with him. We had a relation of mutual trust.
In his entire life with me, he had never behaved in such a way.
His behaviour was erratic...weird...
He didn't seem to recognize me...
But how...I was everything for he was for me...
I had been to that wretched place today too...the so called "Ruins of the Castle"...there was nothing different...
But what instigated Leonard?
He was not ill...
He just went berserk at my sight.
I had never tied him, but today I did so to avoid him...
But he was vicious...strong...he broke the chain.
He had a bite of my left leg.
I had no other choice...I took out my service revolver and one shot on the forehead did the task.
I am sad...
I gave him a decent...rather modest funeral in the backyard.
May his soul rest in peace.
I will pray for him.
I will miss him.
After so many years...I am again rendered solitary by this cruel world.
God certainly hates me!
The vampyre:- Part-1(2nd July,2008)
I seem to forget things...what is happening to my life?
I decided to keep a track of myself through this place.
First of all I want you to know me...
I was born on 20th February...
It was lunar eclipse that day.
I don't know my parents.
I have no family...Emily left me 6 years before.
It's all like a dream.
Whatever I experience, I feel having experienced it earlier too.
It's strange.
Am I going mad?
What's wrong with me??